Engineer Ahmed Al-Attar in an interview with (World of Engineering)
Ahmed Manaa Ahmad Abdul Rahim engineering scientist after has re-
Al-Attar (25 years).He is the Head turned back to the mother country
of the Association of Scholarship to spend his annual vacation. We
engineers in Britain. He is an am- gave him the chance through our
bitious young man, who chose to interview to talk about the goals
alienation to satisfy his desire and and future plans of the association
passion for engineering sciences and its relations with the Society of
and to achieve his boyhood dream Engineers, and the challenges fac-
in being an inventor of engineer- ing the engineering sector and the
ing devices (robots).we met the Council of Young Engineers.
One of the greatest challenges is the return of the scholarship student back home with
a graduation certificate without taking advantage of the available opportunities and
Why did you choose to study a specialization in high motion so social media was a platform
engineering and didn't choose robot. This speciation enables through which the students
other sciences?
me to understand technology could exchange visions and ide-
I had a passion for engineering and current practices in the field as to lay the foundation stone of
from a young age, so I always of electronics engineering and the project. We established the
dreamed of becoming an inven- its applications in the field of ro- association that has more than
tor of engineering equipment.
botics and mechatronic, includ- 150 members.
My journey of discovering my- ing digital and control systems, Goals and Future Plans of the as-
self and my love for robotics it also enables me to understand sociation. The association aims
began with the study of engi- the machine's ability to simulate to expand its circle to include
neering and electromechanical the human mind and how does the largest number of scholar-
systems selection from Simon it work.
ship students and to create an
Fraser University in Canada in Highlighting the Association eco-friendly environment to the
2012 and my specification was of scholarship Engineers in students as well as supporting
programming and robots basics. Britain and America?
their ideas and projects and pro-
Then, I obtained the master's The idea of establishing the as- vided them with practical and ed-
degree in the field of artificial in- sociation originated in the mid ucational chances that may en-
telligence algorithms from Kings of 2019 as there was an urgent able them to develop their skills
College London in 2017.Now, I need to find a place that brings during scholarship period.
am preparing for my PhD in Ro- the scholarship students stud- Besides making contacts with
botics and Artificial Intelligence ying various engineering dis- the country's Cultural Bureau to
at Imperial College London with ciplines together in one place, introduce the association, and