Users of Dubai Building Permits Application become 7.000 users
Dubai Building Permits System Ap- October 2019 and officially launched
plication (Dubai BPS) for the smart at GITEX in December 2019. This
phones is the first mobile application initiative enables obtaining permits
specialized in building permits pro- for annexes located in private villas
cesses and project implementation of the owners (citizens, and senior
and completion at the United Arab citizens) through Dubai Building Per-
Emirates level. The application was mits System (Dubai BPS) Application
launched by Dubai Municipality's without the need to appoint a con-
Building Permits Department to al- sultant or a contractor for design and
low the customers, including owners, licensing, provided that the Building
consultants, contractors and devel- Permits Department implements the
opers to follow up on their own build- construction drawings.
ing projects.
Dubai Municipality's Building Permits
The application was launched in Department noted a remarkable in-
December 2018. It is characterized, crease in the statistics of Application
since its launch date, by its continuous users, as it registered about 1,600
development to serve the needs of users in January 2019, whereas the
customers, facilitate the procedures number of users increased until the
of building licensing and reduces the number reached about 7,000 users at
steps of the customer's journey. The the end of May 2020. This increase
Annex License Initiative was added in is due to the comprehensive services
and benefits that the Dubai Building
Permits System (Dubai BPS) Appli-
cation provides to users, as follows:
Following up on the work progress
of all concerned authorities, from
Getting to know all the
permits to completion
transactions of the lands
and the status of building
Project work progress and
Tracking work progress
and timeline of transac-
Direct communication, along
Identifying and fulfilling's
with the ability to make com-
the engineers' comments
ments and inquiries
on the transactions
Reviewing all laws and circu-
lars related to building and