As a result, organizations who organizations are encouraged management models can lay
are notorious for their negative to apply a risk taking culture that the foundations in reaching sus-
impact on the environment are will allow enough time to make tainable development goals.
faced with the challenge of intro- head way in the sustainable This means a dynamic and well
ducing new strategic methods market.
informed management in a con-
to prepare for a smoother, more The current issues facing the struction organization requires a
efficient ecological transition. world, and therefore the con- greater optimization of resourc-
In doing so these construction struction industry, are revolved es. Optimization has the ability
businesses are well positioned around climate change and the to create a construction busi-
to make simple yet valuable consumption of our planet's re- ness model that can counter
changes that will lead the way sources. These issues can be global challenges, right down to
for other industries.
resolved through new manage- enhancing professional devel-
Putting the theory into prac- ment techniques. This is known opment between internal em-
as the `Adaptive Management' ployees.
To put this into practice, in my mentality, which gathers data A step in the right direction
latest research I have identified in the construction business In the world we live in today, we
five key strategies that can be for evaluation processes. This are united in our common goal of
implemented by construction means that a data driven man- achieving a sustainable future.
businesses that help to acceler- agement system can help to With the construction industry
ate sustainability efforts.
create better solutions for nat- contributes so much econom-
Public and private sector part- ural resource management dif- ically it comes at a cost to our
nerships (PPPs) will help con- ficulties, which is an ongoing environment, the industry really
struction businesses and devel- challenge for the world's sus- does play a key role in initiating
opment sectors draw an initial tainability issues.
a sustainable step change.
framework for organizations to The fourth strategy highlights The implementation of new
apply innovative thinking. Put the need for continuous stake- management systems and in-
simply, there is now a need to holder's feedback about the or- novative thinking methods can
bridge the gap between private ganization's construction busi- yield instant sustainability re-
and government organizations ness function. Internal feedback sults for construction business-
and increase communication from all entities involved within es. Although strategies cannot
efforts to reach the same goals. the construction business' op- be the ultimate solution overrid-
With regulatory frameworks and erations, aids in the progress of ing old ways of thinking, they can
collaborative strategies, the operational functions of an or- still provide a basic road map to
earth may end up much wealth- ganization. With a more robust new thinking within construction
ier with natural materials in 50 stakeholder engagement frame- organizations. These solutions
years' time.
work in place, organizations combined can go a long way
The second strategy highlights in the construction sector can in working towards solving our
the importance of key manage- collectively manage any given global environmental challeng-
ment stakeholders to be able to challenges.
take strategic risks in decision Lastly, implementing optimiza-
making. Construction business tion in construction business