The Society of Engineers is exploring the prospect of issuing a professional
engineering certificate
The Supreme Supervisory Committee for the Es- thorities.
tablishment of the Professional Engineers Associ- The forma-
ation held an online meeting recently headed by tion of the
Eng. Mohamed Mahmoud Mashroom, President Supreme
of the Society of Engineers ­ UAE, in the presence Superviso-
of Dr. Essa Al-Bastaki - President of Dubai Univer- ry Commit-
sity, Dr. Ghanem Kashwani - academic researcher tee
at New York University in Abu Dhabi, Dr. Waddah nates within
Ghanem and Eng. Tariq Dimas, general manager the plans of
of the Society of Engineers.
the Society of Engineers to enhance the culture of
The meeting discussed the required arrange- professionalism in the engineering field, upgrade
ments and agenda for the possibility of issuing a the performance of the sector and qualify the ca-
professional engineering certificate by the Society pabilities of engineering forces to keep pace with
of Engineers, in coordination with the relevant au- the current and future requirements
Society of Engineers Organized a Distance Seminar on Intelligent Manufacturing
In collaboration with the American University in Professor at the American University in Sharjah,
Sharjah, the Society of Engineers organized a tackled the grounds and standards of applying the
distance seminar titled "Techniques of Intelligent techniques of intelligent manufacturing. The semi-
Manufacturing" in Smart City.
nar included various discussions and interventions
The seminar presented by Dr. Abdurrahman Alali, made by its 113 participants.
Training Division is Intensely Active
During the previous term, the training division of of more than 2000 engineers. Such efforts were
the Society of Engineers has organized a number carried out to enhance the role played by the So-
of free workshops and distance courses in var- ciety providing the best practices for its members.
ious engineering specialties with the participation
Responsiveness to Distance Learning Initiative
Within the frame of its policy towards society and ing Initiative, the Society of Engineers provided
its challenges facing Covid 19 pandemic in addi- support to Ajman University through supplying it
tion to its responsiveness to the Distance Learn- with the number of ten laptops.
SOE - UAE News