Official Announcement of Hamdan Bin Rashid Al Maktoum Award for Engi-
neering Innovation
physically and morally." Eng. Abdullah mi, member of SoE Board of Directors Environment, His Excellency Dr. Sheikh
Youssef, Deputy Chairman of the Soci- and General Supervisor of the Youth Abdul Aziz bin Ali bin Rashid Al Nuaimi
ety of Engineers stated in his speech.
Engineers Council noted.
(Green Sheikh) and the bodies that con-
"The award is managed by the Award "During the past months at Youth Engi- tributed to the success of the forum, and
Board of Trustees, along with two com- neers Council, we have been working to a special honor to Eng. Ammar Dahab,
mittees to be formed, one of which is establish the position of the Youth Coun- graduate of Sharjah University, being
"Technical Consultative Committee" cil and its vital role among the youth the first architect among People of De-
and the other is "Arbitration Commit- engineers sector within UAE through termination.
tee" to carry out professional and im- holding several discussions and spe- Messages for Young Engineers
partial evaluation of the participations." cialized and oriented workshops, along In the same context, Sheikh Dr. Abdul
Eng. Abdullah added. "Nomination for with the field and on-site visits to some Aziz Al-Nuaimi, during his speech on
the Award is available to all individu- of the leading engineering projects with- the future engineering, addressed the
als, groups of individuals, institutions, in UAE. We have high hopes of expan- young engineers on the elements of the
organizations, companies, government sion with the Council's activities and future engineer represented in disci-
and non-government departments and programs at various levels." Al Qasimi pline, productivity, innovation, creativity,
private departments, known for their ac- added stressing the importance of the respect, harmony, flexibility and having
complishments and effective results in Council role in advancing the engineer- the professional ethics.
the Award-related fields and disciplines, ing field.
On his part, His Excellency Dr. Thani bin
and meeting the set criteria, within UAE "The most hallmark of the future is sus- Ahmed Al-Zeyoudi, Minister of Climate
only, with a possibility to expand outside tainable human development that will Change and Environment, called on
UAE in the future." Eng. Abdullah further be based on our wise leadership direc- young engineers to keep up with today's
explained. The award will be biennial, tions on empowerment of youth, being requirements, prospect the future and
starting from the current year 2020 ses- the momentum and the most valuable enhance communication with genera-
sion. The total prizes in the first session energy for the sustainable development tions. "Serving the nation requires us all,
will be five prizes as follows:
process. Accordingly, we hold a great especially the youth sector, to be pres-
First: Legal Person Prizes
responsibility, as a specialized youth ent in all sectors and in various fields."
1. Distinguished Engineering Com- institution concerned with an important His Excellency Dr. Thani pointed out.
panies, Organizations and Offices sector and a wide essential segment of At the end of his speech, his Excellen-
Award (Private Sector).
our professional society, and a commit- cy hoped that the Forum would result in
2. Distinguished Ministries and Gov- ment to double efforts and offer inno- recommendations that serve UAE and
ernment Engineering Departments vative initiatives that serve young engi- the engineering sector and paid tribute
Award (Public Sector).
neers." Al Qasimi further stressed in her to the wonderful organization of the Fo-
Second: Individual Prizes
1. Distinguished Engineer Award.
At the end of her speech, Al Qasimi For his part, Engineer Mohamed
2. Fresh Graduate Distinguished En- extended her thanks to SoE Board of Mahmoud Mashroom, President of the
gineer Award.
Directors for its keen sponsorship of Society of Engineers, commended the
3. Distinguished Graduation Project the Council's works and activities, and success of the Forum and its achieve-
Award (for Engineering Colleges' thanked the concerned parties for or- ment of its goals and objectives.
ganization of the forum.
At the end of his speech, Mohamed
Sustainable Development is Hall- The Forum included interactive dialogue Mashroom extended his thanks to
mark of Future
sessions that addressed the importance His Excellency Dr. Thani bin Ahmed
"Holding the Forum is in conjunction of transferring experiences and knowl- Al-Zeyoudi, Minister of Climate Change
with SOE's 40th Anniversary celebra- edge between generations its effective and Environment, and His Excellency
tions, which shaped the renaissance role in the development of action sys- Dr. Sheikh Abdul Aziz bin Ali bin Rashid
and comprehensive development of tem. In addition to exhibitions for college Al-Nuaimi (Green Sheikh), Environmen-
UAE, along with other civil society insti- of engineering students at Ajman and tal Advisor to Ajman Government, CEO
tutions, under the shadow of our wise Sharjah Universities, along with honor- of Al Ihsan Charity Association, for their
leadership." Dr. Nahla Ahmed Al Qasi- ing the Minister of Climate Change and gracious presence.