In the Presence of the Minister of Climate Change and Environment and Green Sheikh
The second Young Engineers Forum discusses critical challenges
To reflect the UAE's position as a fos- Treasurer. The Forum is in conjunction and unleash their creative potentials
ter for the young creative potentials, the with Society of Engineers' 40th Anniver- and direct their energies to contribute
Youth Engineers Council of SOE ­ UAE sary.
to shaping the features of our future
organized 10th February the Youth En- Empowerment of Youth
renaissance at a time when creative
gineers Forum, 2nd Edition, at Zayed The activities of the Forum started with culture has become a the prevailing
University in Dubai titled "Distinguished playing of UAE national anthem, fol- feature for all disciplines, including the
Engineer Approach", under the gra- lowed by a speech by Eng. Mohamed engineering field." Mashroom stated.
cious patronage of His Highness Sheikh Mahmoud Mashroom, SOE Chairman Hamdan Bin Rashid Al Maktoum
Hamdan bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Dep- of the Board of Directors, through which Award for Engineering Innovation
uty Ruler of Dubai and Minister of Fi- Mashroom welcomed the guests, ex- During the Forum, Hamdan Bin Rashid
nance, in the presence of His Excel- tended his thankfulness and appreci- Al Maktoum Award for Engineering In-
lency Dr. Thani bin Ahmed Al Zeyoudi, ation to His Highness Sheikh Hamdan novation was officially announced. "Out
Minister of Climate Change and Envi- bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Deputy Ruler of SOE's pivotal role to support, honor
ronment and His Excellency Dr. Sheikh of Dubai, Honorary President and First and spread of innovative engineering
Abdul Aziz bin Ali bin Rashid Al Nuaimi Supporter and Sponsor of this Forum. best practices, promotion of the spirit of
(Green Sheikh), Environmental Advi- Mashroom further reviewed SoE pro- competition, creativity and excellence
sor to Ajman Government and CEO of gress and achievements during the among various fields of engineering,
Al Ihsan Charity Association, Eng. Mo- past 40 years and SOE's keenness to motivation of engineering employees
hamed Mahmoud Mashroom, Chairman become a leading professional, scientif- towards contributing to the develop-
of Society of Engineers' Board of Direc- ic and training foster for UAE-national ment of UAE, we are pleased to launch
tors and his Deputy Engineer Abdulla engineering cadres and competencies, an award for engineering creativity at
Yousef Al Ali, along with SoE Board of including graduates of various engi- UAE-level, after the name of His High-
Directors' members, Engineer Sulaiman neering disciplines.
ness Sheikh Hamdan Bin Rashid Al
Abdul Rahman Al-Hajri, Secretary Gen- "This Forum is held at a time when Maktoum, Deputy Ruler of Dubai and
eral, Dr. Khalil Ibrahim Al Hosani, Head we are striving to achieve the UAE's Minister of Finance, may Allah protect
of Training and Conferences Commit- 2021 vision and its strategic objectives, him, to be titled: "Hamdan Bin Rashid
tee, Dr. Nahla Ahmed Al Qasimi, Gen- topped by empowerment of youth, pav- Al Maktoum Award for Engineering In-
eral Supervisor of the Youth Engineers ing the way for them to assume the fu- novation" under the gracious patronage
Council, Eng. Hessa Abdullah Al Harmi, ture leadership by working to discover of His Highness to honor the Awards,