policy to openness to all
information about both the
organized or sponsored by
engineering-related institu-
academic achievement and
either party, and promote
tions. Moreover, the Agree-
training; present visions and
the same through the avail-
ment aims to strengthen
ideas that upgrade the en-
able means, establish work
cooperation between Ajman
gineering work and achieve
relationships, cooperate in
University and SOE based
the best engineering prac-
issues of common concern,
on the vital role undertak-
tices. Further, to utilize the
and strengthen cooperation
en by both parties in the
cumulative experience of
in field visits.
Ajman University in engi-
Furthermore, the Agreement
ment project witnessed by
neering research and stud-
has provided for supporting
the United Arab Emirates,
the professional activities
confirm both parties' will-
One of the key provisions
and field training for un-
ingness to cooperate in or-
of the Agreement is to en-
dergraduate students and
ganizing common activities
hance the cooperation be-
creating job opportunities
and events, exchange ex-
tween both parties in trans-
for graduates through link-
periences and information of
mitting the experience and
ing them to the companies
common interest, and utilize
knowledge through profes-
and institutions that are in
scientific, practical and pro-
sional activities and training
a relationship with SOE.
fessional potentials of both
courses to develop the stu-
dents' functional capacities
World) Magazine has been
and skills. In addition, the
approved as a media plat-
Can you tell us about
Agreement has provided for
form to highlight the initia-
the key provisions of the
exchanging knowledge and
tives and achievements of
experience in social services
Ajman University worldwide
The Agreement, in its entire-
and institutional experienc-
and publish the engineering
ty, represents a platform and
es at all levels. The Agree-
researches and studies of
an essential step framing
ment addressed the impor-
the University.
the community partnership.
tance of participation in all
The Agreement also aims to
events, activities; conferenc-
exchange experiences and
es, symposium, and lectures