Essentials of the Successful Engineer
development and progress
as well as the environment
in all aspects of life and
and nature that should be
overcome the environmen-
Moreover, en-
tal and natural problems
gineering is deemed a cu-
through designing the dif-
mulative process that rep-
ferent fittings from the nail
resents the human being's
and needle to the comput-
achievements and science
er, mobile and spacecraft.
since Adam to the present.
This definition includes, in-
Essentials of the success-
Quite simply, engineering
ter alia, that the engineering
ful engineer
means the application of
is the top of sciences and
The choice of the engineer-
mathematical and physical
the product of knowledge. It
ing as a profession is a great
sciences to solve the prob-
develops continuously ac-
and interesting mental chal-
lems experienced by soci-
cording to the constantly
lenge at the same time. It
ety, which contributes to its
changing needs of society,
means the choice of science,
scientific and logical think-
ing as a permanent lifestyle.
The nature of the engineering
work requires readiness for
learning, development and
making efforts permanently,
as engineering represents
new sciences everyday. The
learning capacity is the main
objective of the colleges of
engineering at different uni-
versities, as well as the great
care to develop learning ca-
pacities through studying