due to short lengths of streets
One of the advantages of
cess of the project and ulti-
and pathways.
the vertical construction is
mately drives them to accept
Despite those advantages,
that it serves the sustainable
it. Furthermore, the idea of
specialists are in the opinion
development (rights of the
construction as a flexible and
that the horizontal construc-
next generations), as it does
adjustable pattern as per the
tion is not one of the imper-
not have any effect on natu-
owner's is deemed a good
atives of the age, as it does
ral resources such as water,
idea to attract the nationals
not serve the national econ-
agriculture and vegetation
who prefer to have a unit
omy in any way. Instead, it
designed as per their own
leads to increasing
the prices, unbri-
dled use of lands
es are the great
and increasing de-
damages in the
mand for services
event of natu-
such as electricity
ral catastrophes
and others.
such as earth-
Regarding the ver-
quakes due to
tical housing, its
their devastating
advantage is that it
effects on high
is a good econom-
buildings and the
ical choice due to
noise pollution.
lack of building
plots. It is the key
are in the opin-
of getting out of
ion that the hori-
the housing problems, make
Nevertheless, such type of
zontal construction is better
the choice of repetition in-
construction requires align-
when large areas are avail-
stead of expanding the plots
ment with the social culture
able that allows expansion
and quick completion, which
with respect to engineering
of urban and territorial plan-
is a feature that horizontal
design, being sensitive to
ning. On the other hand, the
building does not have in
customs and traditions rep-
advantages of the vertical
compliance with the rapid
resented in keeping the indi-
construction lie in the areas
demographic growth and in-
vidual privacy, which is one
with limited spaces or recon-
creasing population density.
of the key reasons for suc-
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