parties that will implement
the workshop. In addi-
of the first workshop and the
the same after being fi-
tion, a survey was distrib-
outcomes of the survey, so
nalized and approved as
uted to the participants
as to archive their intended
well as enlisting the help
and was published elec-
goals. This was followed by
of the specialists to give
tronically to expand the
a number of personal meet-
their opinions and sug-
base of participation and
ings with Directors General,
gestions since the be-
obtain as much opinions
Heads of the Governmental
ginning of the project to
and proposals as possi-
Authorities of Government of
ensure comprehensive,
ble about the Regulations
Ras Al Khaimah, and some
simple, clear and applica-
action plan and key direc-
officers in charge from Dubai
ble regulations taking into
and Abu Dhabi Municipalities
account all parties' needs
and requirements related
to building permits, the
conditions of labor mar-
ket and the urban and
investment growth in the
In this regard, two work-
shops were held; the first
of which was held at the
beginning of the project.
The vision of the Regu-
lations, the approaches
Figure (2) illustrates the
and Abu Dhabi Urban Plan-
supposed to be used;
Regulations key direc-
ning Council to discuss the
outcomes of energy and
tions as per the outcomes
draft and the comments of
water savings, limits of
of the survey and the dis-
the responsible and compe-
financial impact of the
cussions at the first work-
tent parties on the provisions
application of the new re-
of the proposed Regulations.
quirements on the build-
On the other hand, the sec-
Structure of the Regula-
ing cost and the appro-
ond workshop focused on
priate payback period for
discussing the draft of the
In general, Green Building
each type of the building
Regulations that were devel-
Regulations "Barjeel" are
were presented during
oped based upon the outputs
divided into five categories